It's been another month since my last blog posting. I hope I haven't lost too many of my readers since the previous update.
For once, it is not a lack of activity that has led to my lack of activity. On the contrary, we have been so busy that I simply have not had enough time to sit down and write a coherent post. In the last month, we have:
- celebrated Allie's birthday
- celebrated our third wedding anniversary
- been to two different zoos
- babysat overnight for a sick friend's baby
- been in a parade
- attended a Cubs game in a suite box
- taken Sam swimming for the first time
- learned to use a new photo editing program
- attended Allie's high school reunion
- thrown a baby shower for my sister
...and so on.
As you can see, we've had a ton going on, with plenty more to do in the next few weeks. As always, I'll post more when time allows.