Saturday, February 23, 2008


T minus 20 minutesOn Wednesday night, February 20, the entire Chicago area had a perfect, clear view of the lunar eclipse. The moon was about 3/4 covered when Allie and I got home from work, and I didn't really have any choice but to grab my new camera and telephoto lens to see what I could come up with. I've only attempted photographing the night sky once before, so this was a fun experiment for me.
T minus 10 minutesThis is my favorite shot- just before the total eclipseLunar EclipseBesides the traditional shots, the camera produced some beautiful, though unexpected, results:Moon in motionMoon on fire


drh said...

Nice pictures. I think I first learned about this eclipse after the fact – and it happened in the middle of the night here. I saw a good eclipse last year. It must have been fun to take pictures with a telephoto lens.

Anonymous said...

That's what it looked liked from our driveway too. It was a clear cold night here. I was surprised that the darkened portion of the moon was still visable during most of the eclipse. Your pictures show that very well. Nice group of pictures!