My worst fears did not come to pass over the weekend. The Northwestern home football game against Ohio State came and went without our needing to drive to the hospital, and we didn't have to rush to the hospital during the wintry mix of rain and snow that passed through on Friday and Saturday. In fact, the weekend was fairly uneventful, with Allie and I mostly staying at home and watching DVDs.
"Officially" Sam is closing in on 39 weeks, although November 7 was the due date determined at the very
first appointment we had with the doctor. It was revised a short time later to November 19, where it remains. The official date does not change because predicting the due date is more of an educated guess than an exact science. Only about one in twenty babies arrives on the due date. Anything two weeks earlier or later than that is considered "normal," so all we know right now is that we're in the prime baby-having window. The doctor has also assured us that they will not wait longer than a week past his due date to induce labor, if it comes to that, so we will have this baby by Thanksgiving.