Friday, January 4, 2008

Nothing Special

This Sunday I'll be playing electric guitar in the band at church. This is no small deal, because I usually don't play any form of guitar more than twice a year, and I certainly can't claim that I'm particularly good at it. Fortunately, that doesn't stop me from trying!

AxePlaying in a worship band requires a peculiar balance, especially on an instrument where I'm not my best. On one hand, I want to do an excellent job because God deserves our best worship (in all aspects, not just music), but it also helps to keep me humble because it will be a small miracle if anything good comes out of the speaker. It's a lot harder to be proud when you know you're nothing special.

I think that's one of the things that makes God's grace so great. If I try to honestly compare myself to Him, I'm less than "nothing special". At any given time, there are more than 6,600,000,000 other people alive on earth, none of whom even come close to God's perfect majesty. The fact that He knows us and loves us can only be a testament to His greatness, not anything I can attribute to myself.

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