Those of you who know me pretty well (and judging by the fact that you're reading this, you do) know that I begin listening to Christmas music very early in the season. As in Autumn.
Or Summer.
About a month and a half ago I bought my first Christmas album of the year. Jars of Clay has long been a favorite band of mine, and while they have released a few individual Christmas songs before, they finally put out a full Christmas album this year, appropriately titled Christmas Songs. I can honestly say that it is not like any other album I own, Christmas music or otherwise. I highly recommend it. One song from it called "Gabriel's Message" keeps coming to mind as I write tonight, a lilting and ethereal conversation between Gabriel and Mary. I like the last verse:
Of her Emmanuel, the Christ was born
In Bethelem all on a Christmas morn
And lowly men throughout the world
Forever saved
Most highly favoured maid,