A few weeks ago, the older and more cynical child in me predicted that the first snowfall this year would be the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, just in time to enhance the frustration of holiday traveling. For the first time ever, I predicted this event correctly, and awoke to find about half an inch of snow by Thursday morning.
As you can see, we were hardly snowed-in, so three of us (Allison, her friend Glenda, and myself) proceeded to travel to Allison's parents' house for Thanksgiving dinner. Like always, I had my fill of side dishes. They were delicious. I even tried a piece of the turkey with my stuffing, and it wasn't bad. That brings my list of "acceptable turkey products" up to five: Grandma H's turkey, mother-in-law's turkey, deep-fried turkey, turkey ham, and turkey bacon.
I also consumed a quarter of two different pumpkin pies (one 10" and one 12"). That's the equivalent of half of one 11.05" pie or a whole 7.81" pie. As an engineer, I almost feel obligated to make some sort of "pie"/"pi" joke here, especially given the title of this post. I'll spare you this time. (Now YOU have something to be thankful for.)
After dinner, Allison's dad (not pictured), brother, sister, and brother-in-law invited me to play a game called "Axis and Allies." It's a lot like the game "Risk", but recreates the major campaigns of World War II. I respectfully declined, knowing that this exercise would fill the better part of 4-6 hours. Approximately 4-6 hours after it began, I was saddened to learn that Japan and Germany had, in fact, succeeded in taking over the world.

I also carried out my own tradition of taking a picture of Bill, the cat, to capture the mood of the weekend. I think we were all thankful for the chance to relax and enjoy each other's company for the day.

So, did you sneak Bill any unwanted turkey under the table? Thanks for sparing us the pi jokes. However, the calculations were a nice touch. Nice pictures, as always.
Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving!
So...are you thinking of becoming a meteorologist in your spare time? Now Mom and I are wondering when her first SNOW DAY will come, or if she will even have any this year. It would really help us plan ahead if you could tell us when to expect it. (Avoid all those long lines for bread and milk at the store, etc.) Seasons blessings to all! Let it snow!!!
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